Career Readiness and Cross-Sector Competencies
A new white paper from America Achieves focuses on the role cross-sector competencies play in career readiness. Getting Real about Career Readiness: A Focus on Cross-Sector Competencies is the first …
A new white paper from America Achieves focuses on the role cross-sector competencies play in career readiness. Getting Real about Career Readiness: A Focus on Cross-Sector Competencies is the first …
A growing number of educators around the world believe that project based learning (PBL) is an important instructional approach that enables students to master academic skills and content knowledge, develop …
The Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development has released a report from leading educators describing the practices and principles that can make a new vision of …
For the past 35 years, the prevailing narrative about America’s public education system is that it is “broken.” Reform efforts have failed to find a fix because they fundamentally misunderstand …
Responding to the need to look beyond test scores to measure school quality, an increasing number of school districts are striving to incorporate socio-emotional learning measures in their accountability policies. …
After an extensive organizational review, literature review and stakeholder listening sessions, Education Evolving has released its newly refined vision for student-centered learning. It involves the following seven principles: Positive Relationships …
Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs, which previously have been shown to immediately improve mental health, social skills, and academic achievement, continue to benefit students for months and even years …
Education researchers at Pearson teamed up with the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) to conduct a review of the research literature on the importance of collaboration skills for employers, …
What does it mean to be really ready for college, work, and life? The staff at Getting Smart worked with Apex Learning to publish Really Ready: Preparing ALL Middle and …
The 21st Century Learning Exemplar Program highlights best practices in schools and districts across the country that are preparing students for college, career and life by embedding critical 21st century …