Assess Your Competency-Based Education Implementation

How do you know if your school is on track for implementing high-quality competency-based education (CBE) strategies in the classroom? States, districts, and schools that want to realize the college- and career-readiness potential of CBE must look beyond the CBE label to ensure that core CBE features are happening in every classroom every day. The College and Career Readiness and Success Center at AIR is pleased to share a new suite of tools to help states, districts, and schools assess their CBE implementation.

The CBE 360 Survey Toolkit is designed to help school and district leaders gather formative data to gauge your school or district’s progress and guide improvements to CBE implementation.  

It uses the surveys from a recent AIR CBE study to provide a comprehensive picture of CBE implementation in six research-based core areas. The customizable toolkit includes a student experiences survey, a teacher practices survey, a user’s guide, and companion tools such as checklists and consent documents – all designed to help stakeholders in states, schools, and districts understand the strengths and weaknesses of CBE in their setting.

To access the toolkit, see