This Time, With Feeling: Integrating Social and Emotional Development and College- and-Career-Ready Standards

A new report from the Aspen Institute calls attention to how students’ social and emotional development must be integrated with academics in order for students to fully achieve these aspirations.

This Time, With Feeling: Integrating Social and Emotional Development and College- and-Career-Ready Standards draws directly from states’ standards in English, Science, and Math to demonstrate that the standards themselves require more than academic content knowledge. For example, giving and receiving critical feedback-one of the hallmarks of rigorous academic discourse, and a skill emphasized in state standards-clearly requires the development of skills beyond academic content.

Mutually-dependent priorities like these are often treated separately: traditional academic instruction with one set of strategies and resources, and social and emotional development with a discrete set of add-on interventions or programs. This Time, With Feeling argues that both academic achievement and students’ readiness for adult success are improved when they are thought of together. To pursue this vision of full integration, The Aspen Institute is also sponsoring the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, which convenes educators, policymakers, community leaders, scholars, and leaders from the private sector to develop a roadmap for fully integrating social, emotional, and academic development to support the whole student.

Learning science is transforming what we know about how we learn. This Time, With Feeling provides an entry point for acting on this new knowledge to improve academic achievement and set students on the path to success in college, careers, and life.

To view the report, see:|1262432076