Big Picture Learning report highlights value of Deeper Learning

American Institutes for Research (AIR) has released a comprehensive study evaluating Deeper Learning opportunities and outcomes in high school. The combination of (1) a deeper understanding of core academic content, (2) the ability to apply that understanding to novel problems and situations, and (3) the development of a range of competencies, including people skills and self control, is called deeper learning. The researchers in this study analyzed data from 13 matched pairs of Deeper Learning Network (DLN) schools. The study is particularly noteworthy for its focus on schools attended by high percentages of students of color, English Language Learners, and students from low-income families. The results from the study are statistically significant and very encouraging.

In particular, students from DLN high schools were found to:

1) be more likely to graduate on time and attend four-year colleges and universities.

2) have higher scores on assessments that measure core content knowledge and complex problem solving skills

3) have higher levels of academic engagement and motivation to learn

The researchers conclude that DLN schools provide more equitable opportunities to learn and improved outcomes for students, regardless of background or incoming achievement level.

For more information on the report, visit

And for more information on what Deeper Learning is, please visit