Tuning the Rigor of College Programs

Lumina_horiz_rgbRecently, the Lumina Foundation released its “Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP).”

The DQP is a learning-centered framework for what college graduates should know and be able to do to earn the associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree. The DQP seeks to define quality learning and better signify the value that postsecondary credentials represent, and after nearly four years of testing at 400 colleges and universities nationwide, it’s ready for widespread adoption by all types of institutions.

The DQP allows students to have a tangible understanding of the learning they need to master along their educational path, and it gives employers a better method to assess job candidates and their repertoire of skills. For institutions, the DQP and the complementary, discipline-focused process of Tuning allows them to better define what degrees mean and, in tandem, better communicate the value of postsecondary learning. With so much critique of the rigor of college- and university-based teacher preparation programs, the DQP is a tool that institutions can use to ensure that their programs meet expectations.

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