Building Family and Community Demand for Dramatic School Change

District-led, dramatic change efforts in failing schools-including turnarounds and school closures-often face strong resistance from families and communities. Resistance may be based on district-community tensions, failed past school improvement efforts, or a lack of understanding about what is possible in schools.  In this new presentation by Public Impact, nine strategies are proposed to address these challenges. Based on 28 interviews with leaders from community-based organizations, school districts, and other groups, these strategies include:
1. Assess political landscape
2. Develop a coherent strategy
3. Identify audiences
4. Identify messengers
5. Build trust with families and communities
6. Justify hopefulness, communicate reality
7. Define stakeholder rules
8. Measure success
9. Sustain the momentum

In addition, the following questions are addressed:
1. Why is building demand for dramatic change among families and communities such a challenge?
2. Why is it worth the effort?

This presentation is supported by the  NewSchools Venture Fund and The Joyce Foundation. To view the slides, visit