Alignment of Reform Efforts

The PIE Network’s most recent report, “Schools in High Gear: Reforms That Work When They Work Together” is a set of essays written by the network’s policy partners, leaders from the five policy organizations that support the network. The policy partners span the ideological spectrum but come together around the core ingredients for education reform.

In “Schools in High Gear“, seven authors from PIE Network’s partner organizations explore the history, aims, and occasional pitfalls of seven reform strategies: raising standards and measuring results, ensuring equity, improving teacher quality and effectiveness, advancing quality charters and other parent choice options, encouraging innovation, increasing accountability for school performance, and fostering fiscal transparency. Their work reminds us that policymakers never have the luxury of adopting stand-alone reforms; policy-making is always additive and one policy affects another. But that’s good news: we see through these essays how this creates an essential synergy that fuels reform.

Authors include

  • Raising standards and measuring results: Chester E. Finn, Jr., Thomas B. Fordham Institute
  • Ensuring equity: Ulrich Boser and Cynthia G. Brown, Center for American Progress
  • Improving teacher quality and effectiveness: Kate Walsh, National Council on Teacher Quality
  • Advancing quality charters and other parent choice options: Michael J. Petrilli, Thomas B. Fordham Institute
  • Encouraging innovation: Robin Lake, Center on Reinventing Public Education
  • Increasing accountability for school performance: Bill Tucker, Education Sector
  • Fostering fiscal transparency: Paul Hill, Center on Reinventing Public Education

To read the report go to:

Core Education is dedicated to improving teacher effectiveness through a systems-based approach. Our work focuses on the alignments of many of the topics explored in this report, including professional standards, evaluation, teacher effectiveness, accountability. It also draws in all forms of teacher professional development, including teacher preparation, induction/mentoring, and inservice professional development. For more information about our comprehensive services, see