How can states jump-start college learning in high school?

ExcelinEd recently released a 2-minute video exploring college acceleration opportunities. College acceleration opportunities offer high school students the chance to prepare for college-level expectations while earning valuable college credit. 

Best of all, the earned credit from opportunities like Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), dual credit, early college high school and International Baccalaureate (IB) can reduce students’ time in achieving a postsecondary credential and make college more affordable for families.

However, these opportunities are still out of reach for many students or do not clearly fit into their career interests and pathways. But states can act now to make every credit and learning opportunity count. ExcelinEd’s new playbook for state policymakers, Accelerating Students from High School to College and Careers, identifies how states can improve college acceleration opportunities and outcomes for their students.

For more, see the video here: 

And the playbook here: