June Issue Brief: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Degrees, credits, credentials, certificates, badges, microcredentials, and licenses are all ways of communicating to the world that an individual has gained particular knowledge and skills. The problem is, these signals do not seamlessly build on one another to provide a true picture of an individual’s expertise. Even within the higher education system, individuals who transfer from one college to another or who try to transfer dual enrollment courses lose 43% of their credits. The acceptance of credentials across diverse learning environments such as work, military, and online boot camps is even less efficient.

In its June issue brief, Core Education explores various solutions to the problem of credit interoperability, including third-party credentialing entities that validate industry-valued skills, system navigators, educational intermediaries, and new ways of assessing learning and awarding credit. A new infrastructure for credentialing is necessary in order for people to efficiently make use of the educational opportunities that abound, while forging a clear pathway to and through college and across a career.

To view the brief, see: https://mailchi.mp/2d07dfc89f2e/7y14uz9cvv-3892709

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