NC3T – Preparing Our Students for the Real World: The Education Shift Our Children and Future Demand

The National Center for College and Career Transitions (NC3T) has released a new position paper, arguing for Career Connected Learning as a strategy for engaging students and preparing them to thrive in the adult world. Written by Hans Meeder and Brett Pawlowski, this piece provides education decision-makers and stakeholders with a sweeping look at the factors that led us to the current state of education, the challenges we face today, and how a Career Connected Learning strategy could help students, educators, and their communities succeed – together – in the future.  

In section 1, the authors take an honest look at the current reality of what is facing America students and its workforce in 2019.  In section 2, they take a look back at how, particularly after World War II, our leaders made decisions that brought us to our current state. In section 3, they explore and define Career Connected Learning and describe positive evidence that supports it. Finally, in section 4, the authors present a call to action, with specific action steps that state or local education leaders or influencers can take to embrace Career Connected Learning as a strategy for ALL students. 

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