SEL Integration Approach for Classroom Educators

Transforming Education has released a new resource, SEL Integration Approach for Classroom Educators.

In A National at Hope, the Aspen SEAD Commission highlighted the importance of “integrat[ing] social, emotional, and cognitive development into academic curricula and throughout the day.”  By integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into the fabric of the school day, educators can support students in honing their existing skills and mindsets to help them succeed in school and in the broader world.

The development of social-emotional skills is informed by context, culture, and students’ interaction with different environments. Therefore, it is important that SEL-related activities in the classroom focus on helping students to learn, build and practice skills that they can also apply at home and in their communities. The SEL Integration Approach guides classroom educators in how to integrate SEL into academic curriculum and daily classroom routines. Using this approach, teachers can support students’ development of social-emotional skills in ways that are applicable across various areas of their lives, more sustainable over time, and flexible to changing goals and priorities across the lifespan. This approach thus serves as an impactful resource to support and promote students’ lifelong learning.

The approach includes six drivers, as follows:

  • Conducive Environments
  • Strong Relationships
  • Explicit Instruction
  • Thoughtful Modeling
  • Practice Opportunities
  • Teachable Moments

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