Student Voice: The Power of Amplifying Education’s Ultimate Stakeholder

Students on the Prichard Committee Student Voice Team recently wrote, “Young people are ready to help lead the charge. Policymakers would be wise to heed our interest and energy and enlist us a full partners in finding solutions.”

As the national conversation around student voice swells, these students and millions of others are raising their voices–many in new and powerful ways–teaching adults lessons about advocacy and urgency.

Education advocates have been working to amplify student voice for as long as they’ve served students, and seasoned advocates know the more you listen, the more you learn. Whether you are building a new student voice opportunity or growing a decade-old program, in this three-part series from the PIE Network, advocates and the students they serve share insights on the power of elevating education’s ultimate stakeholder.

Part I: Grounding Student Advocacy in Research

Part II: What Students Can Teach Advocates about Navigating Digital Like Naturals

Part III: Student Voice: the Power of Amplifying Education’s Ultimate Stakeholder