Educators Reach Consensus on What It Takes to Integrate Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

The Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development has released a report from leading educators describing the practices and principles that can make a new vision of learning part of the fabric of schools and classrooms across the nation.

The Practice Base for How We Learn outlines promising practices that show how students, teachers, parents, and administrators can integrate social, emotional, and academic learning in preK-12 education. The report, which represents the vision of the 34-member Council of Distinguished Educators, calls for widespread implementation of these strategies as essential to students’ success in their schools, homes, workplaces, and communities.

The Council of Distinguished Educators drew on its collective, firsthand experiences in schools and classrooms to develop the “The Practice Base for How We Learn,” which corroborates the interconnectedness of the social, emotional, and cognitive domains as foundational to all learning and beneficial to all students. The views of these educators build upon and validate an earlier brief presented by the National Commission’s Council of Distinguished Scientists, The Evidence Base for How We Learn.

For information on the Council of Distinguished Educators, see

For The Practice Base for How We Learn, see:

For The Evidence Base for How We Learn, see: