Recommendations for Early College High School Programs

A working group that includes members from some of the country’s most influential education groups released new recommendations aimed at high school programs offering college credit. These programs, often dual-enrollment partnerships with local colleges, have grown in popularity, as have concerns about the rigor, costs and ultimate impact on college success.  

The group, convened by the College Board to provide “practical guidance,” includes representatives from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Education Commission of the States, the Data Quality Campaign and others.  

Members issued four factors they say are essential to good dual-credit programs. First, programs should have an accountability framework that tracks student outcomes, measures rigor and is consistent across programs and the state where they are located. Programs should also have funding models that take into account the value to students and taxpayers compared to dollars spent, and should ensure that all students have equal access and opportunity to succeed in dual-credit programs. The group also highlighted the importance of communicating clearly with students about how earned credits will transfer toward a college degree or other program.

The report profiles three exemplary programs that serve as a model of Early College programming.

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