AIR Examines Evidence on Early-College High Schools

The College & Career Readiness & Success Center at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) has released a new brief, Evidence-Based Practices to Support College and Career Readiness in High School: Early College High School.

Early-college high schools are a partnership between secondary and postsecondary institutions and businesses that allow students to earn both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree or postsecondary credit toward a bachelor’s degree. This evidence-based practice provides a learning environment that enhances students’ education experience and improves student outcomes in high school and postsecondary education. Results of studies demonstrate the following:

  • Early-college students are significantly more likely to graduate from high school than comparison students.
  • Early-college students are more likely to reach proficiency on state assessments than comparison students.
  • Early-college students have better attendance, fewer suspensions, and a higher level of engagement in school than comparison students.
  • ECHS creates positive student-teacher relationships and engages students in rigorous academic coursework.
  • ECHS provides a caring and supportive community.
  • Early-college students are significantly more likely to enroll in college than comparison students.
  • Early-college students are significantly more likely to earn a college degree than comparison students.
  • Early-college participation results in increased higher education graduation rates.


To access the brief, see