Compendium of Social-Behavioral Research


Between 2002 and 2013, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) funded over 245 projects focused on social-behavioral competencies or outcomes (e.g., social skills, dropout prevention) through the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). Together, the researchers funded by these groups developed or tested more than 170 instructional interventions (e.g., packaged curricula, intervention frameworks, and instructional approaches), 40 professional development programs, 40 educational technologies, and 25 assessments related to social-behavioral outcomes.

NCER has recently released a compendium of this research to provide brief descriptions of these projects in a structured and easy-to-use format. The compendium organizes information on NCER and NCSER projects into three main sections and covers the following topics:


Section I. Programs and Instructional Interventions for Students

  • Social Skills
  • Behavior
  • Underlying Cognitive Features and Attitudes
  • School-Based Mental Health Services
  • Screening, Progress Monitoring, and Assessments
  • Comprehensive Interventions
  • Parent Engagement and School-Home Communications

Section II. Professional Development for Teachers and Other School Staff

  • Classroom Management
  • Social-Behavioral Support
  • Implementation Support

Section III. Strategies for Addressing Schoolwide or Systems-Level Issues

  • School Climate and School Safety
  • Multi-tiered Systems of Support
  • Attendance and Dropout Prevention
  • Transitions


The compendium also includes multiple appendices and an index to help readers locate specific types of information, such as specific interventions or research on a specific demographic or service subgroup (e.g., English language learners).

To access the compendium, see