Getting Smart’s Seven Skills for Smart Cities (and States!)

gettingSmart_logoGetting Smart is a website devoted to improving education in today’s rapidly changing and globally connected world. One recent initiative of Getting Smart is “Smart Cities that Work for Everyone.” This initiative offers recommendations for how leaders in cities, but also applicable in states overall, can help educate and prepare others for the rigors of the 21st century. Following is a brief explanation of their seven keys for success and recommended exemplars:

  1. Innovation Mindset: effort, initiative, and collaboration are key, classroom to city
  2. Sustained Leadership: building political capital to create quality education options
  3. Talent Development: preparing and developing great teachers, leaders, and edu-preneurs
    • Tennessee and Louisiana are often cited for improving evaluation and development
  4. Collective Impact: partnerships and community engagements
    • Educate Texas is the best state STEM network and collective impact example
  5. Aligned Investments: public and private investment
  6. New Tools & Schools: rationale for new schools, overview of new tools, connecting teachers and technology
  7. Advocacy & Policy: pro-growth, pro-achievement, pro-readiness, pro-employability, and pro-innovation

To read the whole blog, see: