Survey: Most High Schoolers Feel Unprepared for College, Careers

A recent survey finds that more than half of high school juniors and seniors across the country don’t feel they’re ready for college and careers, even though these remain top goals for students.

The survey was a multi-year College and Career Readiness survey of 165,000 high school students conducted by YouthTruth, a San Francisco-based nonprofit. The survey of juniors and seniors was conducted from the 2010-11 through the 2014-15 school years. More than 260 schools across 31 states partnered with YouthTruth. The participating schools represent a cross-section of all high schools in the country, with students from different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Findings include the following:

  • 87 percent of students want to eventually earn a college degree and land a career
  • 45 percent of students feel positive about their college and career readiness; 55 percent do not
  • 56 percent believe their schools have helped them understand the steps they will need to take in order to apply to college
  • 46 percent said their schools have helped them figure out which careers match their interests and abilities

For more, see:

For information on how to get your school involved in the next Youth Truth survey, see: