Employability Skills – How Can All Educators Integrate Them?


In today’s highly competitive and increasingly global economy, students need more than just academic skills and knowledge. They also need employability skills in order to successfully cultivate a career. Employability skills include relationship skills such as interpersonal skills and personal qualities; workplace skills such as resource management, information use, communication skills, systems thinking, and technology use; and applied knowledge skills such as applied academic skills and critical thinking skills.

The College and Career Readiness and Success (CCRS) Center, in partnership with the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) and RTI International, have released Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators. This professional learning module — a collection of customizable, content-rich train-the-trainer materials — can support regional comprehensive centers, state educational agency staff, and state regional centers in building their knowledge and capacity to integrate and prioritize employability skills at the state and local levels.

This interactive module:

  • Introduces participants to the Employability Skills Framework and explains why it is important for all students
  • Connects the Employability Skills Framework with other education initiatives
  • Provides strategies to prioritize employability skills at the state, employer, district, and individual teacher levels
  • Shows participants how to train teachers to integrate employability skills into lesson plans

The module builds from the Employability Skills Framework, developed by RTI International and the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information about the Employability Skills Framework, visit http://cte.ed.gov/employabilityskills/

For the full module, see http://www.ccrscenter.org/technical-assistance-networks/professional-learning-modules/integrating-employability-skills#sthash.IMDOzRJo.dpuf