Business Resources for a College- and Career-Ready America

Achieve has released new resources directed toward the business community, to inform and rally more advocates for education reform. The Business Resources for a College- and Career-Ready America include modular resources for business leaders to use as they engage their internal and external networks of colleagues, peers, employees, and employers around the college- and career-ready agenda.

The business community has a long history of supporting efforts to improve public education in America. Whether through public-private partnerships, direct engagement, or financial support, companies and organizations historically have made strategic investments in education because they know that the success of our nation’s economy in the global marketplace depends on a quality workforce.

The resources specifically include:

  • Case-making facts and data that outline the urgency for business engagement around education reform
  • Critical and relevant background on college- and career-ready reforms, including the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, and the U.S. education system
  • Actionable strategies for engaging with employees, peers, CEOs and corporate executives, business associations, elected officials and the media in support of education reform

Over time, Achieve will add to these resources, with additional cards, PPT slides, templates and data for developing organization-specific fact sheets and messages, and examples from the field of how business leaders are currently supporting the college- and career-ready agenda.

To access these resources, please visit