Pathways Matter: Let’s Continuum the Conversation

Excel in Ed has established the first comprehensive learner-centered education to workforce continuum for state policy, Pathways Matter. Beginning in K-12 and extending to and through postsecondary and on to employment, this resource takes the fragmented narrative and structure of state education to workforce policy efforts and turns it into a comprehensive policy continuum. is a tool for policymakers, system leaders at government agencies, and governors and executive leadership to analyze state education to workforce policies and programs. Policymakers need an understanding of the full ecosystem of K-12, postsecondary, and workforce strategies, policies, programs, supports, and data to prioritize which area to tackle next. Strong analysis and prioritization can help ensure that all learners have pathways for current and future careers.

To date, in-depth policy analysis has been completed for Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. In addition, policy resources are provided in the areas of Learner Pathways, Postsecondary Acceleration, Postsecondary Credential Attainment, Workforce Readiness, Employer Engagement, and Continuum Alignment & Quality Indicators.

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